The Story:
Rofloré is a minstel-like person, living on the planet
Nylyo, created by Manthara in order to show the world the 'mystical tunes' of the divine being.
One day
Prince Yascath
sent for Rofloré and asked him to become the
Master of Aräda. Rofloré answered that he had to travel first before being able to accept this life-task.
So Prince Yascath ordered him to make a journey of 200 years through the souls of all
of all planets of the star Kavhalán and Rofloré did so.
In his spaceship
The Pontha
Rofloré travels through the Kavhalán-system. He visits unknown worlds in trying to experience their artistic expressions. After this proces of self-realization Rofloré returns to Nylyo, ready to fulfil his new position.
The Music:In the music we follow Rofloré's quest. Don't expect violent battles with aliens, rather impressions of Rofloré's meetings, his doubts, loneliness and personal growth.
I have written several versions for the musical final in which Rofloré's theme, as revealed in Rofloré's Creation,
is recaptured.
A massive sound eventually has been replaced by an acoustic recurrence with small additions. Because whatever the course of personal growth, the core is always preserved.
Peter Swart:
All compositions, guitars, keyboards, vocals.
With the assistance of:
Peter van der Laan - the story, lyrics and narrator
Koos van Reeven - drums
Harry de Vries - artwork
Frits van Mourik - engineer Studio Het Pand, Vlaardingen