
  • Buddha

    From the album THE COUCH

    Lyrics: Anna Windig

    you lie asleep

    your thoughts carved in stone

    and mine

    here all my own

    your thoughts are mine

    I know not how

    you lived your life

    a thousand years ago

    mine is here and now

    a thousand years gone by

    a single moment now

    are we so different? 

    I and Thou

    a timeless quality

    caught in stone

    yet by reflecting on your life

    your countenance

    reflects my own

    by acknowledging the mood

    in your face of stone

    it shines alive

    in my own

  • Dust

    From the album THE COUCH

    Lyrics: Anna Windig

    when the dust has settled

    the debris has been cleared away

    the snake has shed its skin 

    when the storm has raged

    as battles have raged

    when fires have been burnt

    to the ground 

    when clouds have fallen

    and rain has rained

    when the thunderstorm

    has passed away

    when the old has proven useless

    and the new has not yet come to pass

    what will emerge?

    when the rain has rained

    and the earth is dry no more

    when life is still and waiting

    what will come to pass?

     what we have fed our souls on

    and what we have set our minds to

    will show

    what we have based our lives on

    will come to grow 

    then from our hearts

    the naked truth will stand out

    will that be enough 

    to grow on?

    will we have enough

    to show for?

    will that be enough

    to live by?

  • Rofloré

    From the album ROFLORÉ

    Lyrics: Peter van der Laan

    Rofloré's Creation

    Manthara was the creator of Nylyo. On the 57th day of the 31st month - called Nonador - in the 102nd year of the reign of Prince Yascath, Manthara invented Rofloré in order to show His mystical tunes. The people of Nylyo, the Hansars, applauded and were pleased when seeing the dawning of Rofloré's Creation.


    Yascath's Question

    One day Prince Yascath sent for Rofloré and asked him to become the Master of Aräda. Rofloré answered that he had to travel first before being able to accept this life-task. So Prince Yascath ordered him to make a journey of 200 years through the souls of all Arädany of all planets of the star Kavhalán and Rofloré did so.


    Decline is ahead

    and it happened ...

    Aräda wished

    and a new king in birth ...


    First in sight ...

    New ways

    new ways to be found ...


    Unaccompanied ...

    just one.

    The cry for more

    and choirs re-echo.

    Individuality -

    the side of fear.

    Silent silence

    and the soul is painted black.

    Again in nil

    and the fool is crying.

    Life bereft

    and in need of friendship.


    The Dream

    Images turn around.

    Walking grey ...

    Wishes of company.

    Dawning light ...

    Hermit on the edge.

    The back of silence ...

    And the doubt of reality ...

    Time has come.

    Feelings of Affection

    Platonic but beautiful ...

    deepest love

    harmonious balance...

    As if Eden-like perfection

    and warm is the ray of hearts.

    Platonic but beautiful ...

    glory of the sun

    stars in rebirth ...

    Inner souls are moved

    and the gods arise anew.


    Love is infinite

    immortal affection ...

    Horizons have passed

    and flowers are red ...

    Death is no longer

    as is deified life ...



    Rofloré had travelled for almost 200 years now and he decided to return to Nylyo, ever reminding Dhaedraa and Thesymu, whom he kept contact with for evermore.

  • Summerrain

    From the album SHADES

    Lyrics: Peter van der Laan


    drops are falling from the sky

    I'm all alone

    nowhere - a truth - a lie

    it is as if tears go by

    impossible to see

    the mirror in the eye

    a crying face

    and so am I

    a silent world

    no one who cares

    as if they've died

    mere a dense fog

    the day has grown into a night

    summerrain seems to have cried

    feeling that all was not right

    loneliness knows not

    a side by side

    walking past

    it seems there is no resting-place

    a constant rain

    without the least shred of grace

    it is as if tears go by

    impossible to see

    the mirror in the eye

    a crying face

    and so am I

  • Tender Innocence

    From the album THE PATH

    Lyrics: Peter van der Laan

    born is the child

    born in complete innocence

    maternal feelings of love

    makes child's course begin

    white stretches

    peace of mind

    tender innocence

    the beginning of the course of life

    fortune knows not borders

    Eden-like woods shelter

    from all that is evil

    divinely singing birds show the way

    as life strides along

    times seem to hasten fleetly as well

    it's also the same way

    how shelter once comes to an end

    again white stretches

    mother and child go farther afield

    entirely disappearing out of sight

    on their way to their final fate

  • The Father

    From the album SHADES

    Lyrics: Peter Swart

    I watch your little feet

    crawling in the sand

    our eyes

    they meet

    by you I stand

    your tears

    your smile

    we do understand

    I stretch

    reach out for you

    the warmth of your hand

  • The Teacher

    From the album SHADES

    Lyrics: Peter Swart

    she's sitting

    in the back of the classroom

    she smiles

    at you

    so it seems

    a pretty girl

    so soft and gentile

    but at night

    she haunts you

    in your dreams

    the bell

    she's leaving the classroom

    she smiles

    at you

    so it seems

    a young lad

    puts an arm around her

    and at night

    there are tears

    in your dreams

  • The Tears of Tara

    From the album ODERAN

    Lyrics: Peter Swart

    I saw you holding hands with her

    in every move her love was sure

    all the moments that she shared with you

    there was closeness that we never knew

    your head was resting on her chest

    her eyes they promised you the best

    you didn't face me, blocked my eye

    the moment that we said goodbye

  • What do you make up of these dreams

    From the album THE COUCH

    Lyrics: Peter Swart

    Dream one:

    in this house

    I am alone

    and the stairs

    they start to crack

    and the floor

    begins to crush

    and me

    I'm holding back

    there are rumours

    in the basement

    walls of years

    start tumbling down

    rocks and dirt

    spit from the darkness

    there are aliens

    in my town


    Dream two:

    a man in the garden

    kneels down on the grass

    he lifts up a hatch

    he's wearing this mask

    a giant worm crawls out

    and enters the night

    his lustful body swollen

    with anger and pride

  • White Melancholy

    From the album THE PATH

    Lyrics: Peter van der Laan

    silvery waters

    breathe purety

    nymphs dance 'round

    their goddess

    winged words

    of peace in serenity

    silken veils


    the swans bear


    your beautiful tears

    create the stream

    of life

    the silent wish

    of the nymph's here

    may your echo arrive


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